Appeal an Academic Policy

If you wish to appeal for an exception to VCU academic regulations, this appeal must be made to the Academic Regulations Appeals Committee (ARAC). Examples of such appeals include retroactive withdrawals from classes, waiver of the continuance policy following a suspension, and waiver of the last 25 percent residency requirement for courses taken at VCU.

The ARAC considers appeals for exceptions to undergraduate program academic regulations listed in the VCU Bulletin. The committee — composed of faculty and administrators from each school and college, and representatives from the Office of Records and Registration, Division of Community Engagement and the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services — is a standing committee of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Before assembling your petition, students in the College of Humanities and Sciences should review the ARAC instructions. Students who are majoring in a program outside the College should contact the appropriate ARAC representative within that program. If you are a freshman or have an undeclared major, then please contact the ARAC representative for the University College by sending an email to

You must write a letter explaining your request and provide any documentation supporting your situation. See the ARAC letter writing instructions for step-by-step instructions for writing an appeals letter to the committee. Complete the ARAC Coversheet [Google form] and then email your letter and all supporting documentation to

If you are seeking a retroactive withdrawal or drop, you will also need to complete the Faculty Feedback Form [Google form] for each course being appealed. In some cases, an email with the necessary information will suffice.

The VCU Bulletin outlines university policies.

For more information or to contact the College’s ARAC representative, send an email request to, or contact the Office of Student Services by calling (804) 827-8211 or visiting the office in Founders Hall (first floor).